Thursday, May 31, 2007

As I Lay Dying

I just snagged Fr Richard John Neuhaus's book As I Lay Dying off of our local library's book shelf.

And a Providential and timely snag it proves to be.

Too often, i find myself forgetting how late in time it is, and that, as Fr Neuhaus said, the mortality rate is holding steady at 100%. Which leads me to study my life and live it well so that a good death might naturally follow.

Yeah, death and good in the same sentence. For more on that, you'll have to read the book yourself.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

In the world, but not of the world....

Yes, i, too, have been sucked into the world of blogging. Why? How could a person who rarely has a free moment or a free hand even be tempted to start a blog?

I can't come up with a profound answer.

But life is profound. And what's more, i am finding that trying to live my vocation as a Catholic wife and mother has uncountable profundities. Uncountable mundanities, too.

And they count. So they're worth mentioning.... even in cyberspace.