Thursday, May 31, 2007

As I Lay Dying

I just snagged Fr Richard John Neuhaus's book As I Lay Dying off of our local library's book shelf.

And a Providential and timely snag it proves to be.

Too often, i find myself forgetting how late in time it is, and that, as Fr Neuhaus said, the mortality rate is holding steady at 100%. Which leads me to study my life and live it well so that a good death might naturally follow.

Yeah, death and good in the same sentence. For more on that, you'll have to read the book yourself.


Faith said...

Hey, didn't a same titled book appear on the Oprah's book List? Now, i know it wasn't this book, but the As I Lay Dying by Faulkner...but i'm thinking we may have just found a loophole in which to "indoctrinate" if you will, the "unwashed masses" with more wholesome reading...just a thought!!

E said...

That's a great idea - isnt Oprah the most watched show ever... or something like that? So long as they dont show a picture of the cover design of the Faulkner book, ppl could mistakenly (or Providentially?) pick up the Neuhaus edition by the same title! Maybe that's why he did that?! Smart priest!

Anyway, I nominate you for President!