Monday, February 11, 2008

Being Un-Plugged Leads to Ridiculous Conversations

I can't believe we were reduced to this one, but last night, The Husband and I were trying to figure out if Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana were the same person....

We agreed that MC must be a real-life girl who plays the role of HM, and that they're both singers - although we dont REALLY know for sure.

1 comment:

Anne said...

You are correct. I actually caught an episode of the show the other Saturday morning and decided to watch, since my students talk about it so much. On the show, Miley plays herself and is secretly also a big singer, Hannah Montana, but nobody knows that she is Hannah Montana, so it is a bit confusing. Okay, it's a bit sad that I can't take part in the philosophical discussions, but I can be your source for popular 4th grade culture questions.