Friday, March 06, 2009

Looking forward to this:

The family and i always await with pregnant anticipation the blooming of the variety of wildflowers that carpet our woods.

Needless to say, that's where we've been spending a great deal of our time - in the woods or in the yard, discovering afresh the ways that God reveals Himself to us in the created world.

And if i have the courage to venture outside with 3 small children, then noone has an excuse to stay indoors! So get off the computer and turn your gaze out the window and accept spring's invitation. Take your coffee out there tonight after supper. That's what i'll be doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I didn't realize any wildflowers were already blooming! The daffodils/crocus are popping around here, but no blossoms. It truly is a blessed time of the year. Did you know that Lent means springtime? Mom S.