Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lusting after Roses

When this post was first conceived, i didn't have any intention of mentioning that the DH came home last night with a gallon of chocolate milk from Kroger, just for me and just because. But i am mentioning it because - he is awesome. Now for the real post:

There are pros and cons to having a thoughtful husband.

As a combo Mothers' Day/belated Easter gift (*his guilt for forgetting me*), Joe purchased a Pope John Paul II rose bush for my enjoyment. It's gorgeous! A hybrid tea rose with a delightful citrus fragrance, known for its vigorous growth and superior disease resistance, it's a great tribute to JP the Magnificent, under whose reign both my first born son and I were born. Oh, and is it necessary to mention that its blossoms are white?

So i love it! It is small yet, but it promises a lot. How do i know? Because i've been reading about it and tons of other 2009 floribundas and grandifloras that Jackson and Perkins has to offer me this year.

You see, their full-color catalogue came in the mail yesterday, and i havent been able to put it down. Receiving this beautiful rose bush (and having been put on J&P's mailing list as a consequence) has released the awful beast of flower lust in my soul! Just seeing the rusty orange petals of the Tuscan Sun rose or the fleshy, deep red of the Mr. Lincoln causes my pupils to dilate and my heart to pound faster. I wish i was making this up, but - i'm not. Are 27 year old women supposed to react like this? To pictures of roses?!


I'm guilty of flower lust. I kind of like it. And is it too early to blame my thoughtful husband for introducing me to my latest coveted object?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erica- You are such a gracious wife. I stopped to see this rose bush which ( right now ) has no blossoms! So, I guess you are looking forward to the future. I think that's great. Mom S>