For the past 912.625 days of his life, our son has been listenting to my husband and me pray the rosary nightly. It wasnt until this evening, however,that a broad smile overtook his face as he loudly and very toddlerishly prayed
Aves and
Paters along with us
.He's an exceptionally observant boy, capable of memorizing and repeating even the most obscure parts of stories told to him. But tonight, he slipped. (He
is aging, afterall!)
Husband and Me: "...and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus."
Toddler: "...and blessed is the fruit of Lion Jesus."
A typical toddler tongue twister!" you say.
But i say it's something more brilliant.
Wanting to make things as tangible and understandable as possible for little souls, we often employ Our Lord's own way of explaining the transcendent in ways metaphoric.
In accord with this method, we often talk to our toddler about how Jesus is the Lion of Judah, how lions are tough, kingly, etc. etc.
So to him, Jesus is
THE Lion.
Naturally, anything that
comes from or
belongs to Jesus, has
got to be blessed.
And he's right.
So tonight, i handed in my tendancy toward verbal accuracy in exchange for admiration of the adorable and accurate-in-a-perfectly-childlike-manner aspects of a toddler's prayer.