Thursday, August 16, 2007

What i've been doing instead of blogging:

-Attending a "Desserts and Drinks Only" baby shower for my baby nephew/neice.

-Tearing up when hearing by brother and sister-in-law exchange vows.

-Hearing others tell me about how my tuxedo-clad son played baseball in the church pew with the ring pillow.

-Wiping gallons of baby puke from my (very expensive) bridesmaid gown right before pictures.

-Dancing the night away with my husband despite the fact that we each held a sleeping child.

-Indulging in some stellar reading when the kids nap.

-Pulling 4 splinters from tender toddler tootsies.

-Spending a sweet summer evening out on the pond.

-Getting my finger gnawed off by my teething baby girl, and loving it.

-Reading an article in the National Catholic Register about the persecuted Church in China, and praising God for the strength of those who are presently facing imprisonment, torture, and martyrdom for the faith.

-Drinking coffee.

-Enjoying the last days of summer with my teacher husband.

I'll be back up regularly soon....


Anonymous said...

Well, I've been wondering.

And it made for a lovely post.

JRH said...

yeah, your life is pretty great :) I guess I'll give you a little room for not posting in a while...

Anonymous said...

I didn't know my little guy had gotten splinters in his toes. ={

It has been a busy summer!