Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Heroes & Mercy

Despite my husband’s mysterious objection to watching the film himself, I took the opportunity today during the children’s naptime to view United 93.

Nearly 6 years removed from the date of this devastating attack, it is regrettably easy for me to forget this awful instigation of war on our freedom, our faith, our very existence. Watching the film took me right back to the Kartause in Gaming, Austria, where my fellow students and I sat helplessly watching the Towers drop to the ground on CNN.

We were thousands of miles and 6 time zones away from our bleeding fatherland.

Unrestrained tears streaked the faces of many as we made our way across the Carthusian courtyard to the 13th century adoration chapel, where we intoned the chaplet of the Divine Mercy, begging our Lord to spare our country and to have pity on the myriad of souls that were now standing before Him – perhaps unprepared.

After watching said dramatic depiction this afternoon, I’m confident that some souls were prepared. Whatever their background, the passengers of United 93 knew of their imminent death - and faced it bravely (much like a martyr).
From the back cover of the film:

“United 93 fully honors what was original
and spontaneous and brace in their refusal to go quietly.”
–David Denby, The New Yorker

I’ve been left thanking God for heroism, for His mercy, and for a visual aid that has the potential to get apathetic or war-weary citizens off their…well, you know.

My recommendation? We should keep praying for the Divine Mercy of Christ, and we should continue to pair that with an imitation of those who died defending themselves and their fatherland from the enemy. (*Insert shout out to the military*)

How’s that for ora et labora?


JRH said...

So, why did hubs reject, and what did you think of the film - despite the sentiments it left with you?

Unknown said...

Wonderful writing and reflection! A big thank you also for the small but meaningful 'shout out' to the military. I'll be marrying into the US Air Force via my fiance', Chris, and he will appreciate your mention and acknowledgement. :)