Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It is still possible for a virtuous man to be inspired by primetime television.

From the mouth of my husband last night:

"This really could be great, honey! I could be the first person ever to compete in American Gladiators, The Amazing Race, AND Jeopardy!"

Go for it, darling!


Anne said...

I caught some of American Gladiators as I was grading papers. I don't know that Joe's back would cooperate. He could end up on crutches like the one dude. The mother of one of my students was an American Gladiator. I guess she said she was interested in doing again, so maybe you'll see a Royalmont mom on the show someday (she's also our P.E. teacher).

Anne said...

Oh, and if Joe can figure out some way we can meet our Sunday Mass obligation, I'll do Amazing Race with him. This season was fairly tame as far as arguing, so we might have a chance of getting on. Maybe we should become hippies...