Friday, January 02, 2009

'Tis the Season of the 3-4-5's

Meaning that, for a short (excedingly too short) time in my life, i find myself falling into that tiny population of those who have 3 kids under 4 years of age after 5 years of marriage.

I've not been part of this group for long, but i'm already counting its blessings and seeing how precious and how darned fleeting it is.

There are lots of diaper changes. Many messy hands and jellied mouths. The tumbling to the floor of siblings whose legs got twisted and tangled in the midst of their affection. Milky babies. Milky blankets, spit rags, onesies, wool sweaters, jeans, carpets, et al. Crumb-cluttered kitchen floors. Bathrooms that get nasty quick. Piles of itty bitty laundry and mud-caked Carharts that mock my domestic effort to keep up. Interupted rosaries. Toddler voices learning prayers. Ruins of toy set-ups. Requests to dance to radio music after supper dishes are done. The cooing of a sleeping baby. The crying of a sleep-deprived toddler. The peaceful, well-rested and pensive gaze of a preschooler. The coffee. The embrace of a spouse. Perfect love. God's grace.

It's busy. It's crazy. Sometimes it's overwhelming. But it's filled with huge joy. Unsurpassable happiness, in fact, especially when i recall that this home of mine that's been filled with the love of my spouse and children is my path to heaven, my refining fire, my delight.


Anonymous said...

May the Lord continue to bless you with the grace to experience and share such profound insights. Wlith my love and prayers- Mom S.

Maria said...

Congratulations on little Leopold! He is just darling - along with his two siblings!

For one week, I was in the 3-3-3 club: 3 kids ages 3 and under after my 3rd anniversary. Luckily, another birthday and anniversary followed quickly! :)