Saturday, April 25, 2009

In which i mock myself

I've had a major case of blogger guilt lately: To blog or not to blog about this or that profound or mundane-but-beautiful moment in the life of my family at this or that fleeting moment of quite time that i just happen to get on the computer? And should i even be on the computer when it's stinking gorgeous outside?! Am i neglecting my children?

Honesty is the best policy, methinks, and i have to fess up that spring is always a very busy time around here, just like it is eveywhere else.

What, with two April birthdays (Joe is 27 tomorrow. Happy Birthday, honey!!) a trip to the zoo (pictured above, it was a blast), dispersing 12 tons of gravel hither and thither around the acreage (i've been shoveling, wheelbarrowing, dumping, raking, etc with a baby on my back and feeling quite the uber-girl while we construct a nice 400 sq.ft. patio and other garden paths), and being blessed with a crop of 80 degree days, I hardly remember we have a computer.

Distractions, distractions, distractions!

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