Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Autumn brings black crickets. The noisy, jumpy kind that like to hide under piles of wooden alphabet blocks.

If I were a black cricket, i would definately invade the nearest toy-filled basement to enjoy the comforts thereof.

And if I were human (which i am), i would exercise my right to smash any insect that dared to enter my human dwelling. (We've got tough tenant requirements here, folks.)

So a-smashing i a-go.


... one of my bug-loving kids is swift enough to catch one alive and brave enough to carry it to the sunroom door and chuck it across the patio, in which case said child will be rewarded with a nickel.

Piggy banks are overflowing, and I have a lot less guts on my floor.


JRH said...

That's awesome. What about spiders? Can I pay a quarter for spider removal?

Anonymous said...

Rosemarie is in charge of that department, and i do believe she'd hire herself out! BTW, which email addy to you use now? I want to send those Fr Nathan talks to you....