Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Unpatriotic Workshop of Santa

While Thomas and I were playing monster trucks yesterday, I became momentarily distracted by the brown plastic bear that was lying on the floor beside me. It was included as a bonus gift in the Water Baby package that Rosemarie received from Santa last Christmas. (You're right - it's never been played with.) As i examined it, weighing its worth against the freed-up toy space bear's demise would create, Thomas noticed my diversion and asked,

"Mom? What are you doing?"

"I'm reading the label," I replied.

"Well, what does it say?" he inquired.

"It says, 'Made in China.'"

And with more disgust than a preschooler ought to exhibit, he remarked, "Mom, why does Santa have to go to China to buy toys?!"

1 comment:

mama said...

Is it that he wonders why the elves didn't make all of the toys? Or has he possibly heard some comments from Pops...with all of his wonderful humor of a plastics mfg. guy? Tough call on that one for me! Thomas is such a serious little listner sometimes.

Seems that I miss reading your blog. You would think that you might be a busy mom or....are you giving more of your time to facebook? No, you wouldn't do such a thing. =P Right