Sunday, July 22, 2007

Arguements Against Laundry

I've had it.

American standards are too high.

I think we should just wear and rewear our clothes until they either stink wretchedly or have rips and tears all over them. Clean clothes never stay clean for long.

It's inevitable.

As soon as i pull crisp slacks out of the dryer, a baby is going to use my leg as a diaper.

And my toddler, who still needs potty assistance, is going to misfire and soak my shirt.

And i am going to spill German Roasted coffee on my rarely-washed-because-they-fit-better-the-more-i-wear-them jean capris, which, as fate would have it, just finished drying on the clothes line.

And the knee of my newest jeans is going to wear through just as my cowboy toddler dismounts "Mommy horse" on his way to his nap.

That's just what happens to my wardrobe in a morning.
I wont even talk about the spit up that molded on the baby's cutest shirt....

Did Thomas Aquinas give any arguements against laundry in the Summa?
I'm totally looking.

1 comment:

JRH said...

I don't even have kids, but I agree totally. Laundry can be totally pointless - I get food stains all the time! :)