Saturday, July 14, 2007

Like a Thief in the Night

After adoration one evening last week, my children and I followed my husband into the church side Marian grotto to drink in the loveliness of the summer.

Unbeknownst to us, it was 5:59 p.m.

And said grotto is directly beneath the belfry of St. Michael’s Church.

Thomas was bending down to pick a flower from one of the garden beds (tsk! tsk!), when suddenly the Angelus bells tore through the summer’s eve silence.

My little man, in a half-stoop posture, uncontrollably JOLTED at the sudden awareness of the dread majesty of the toll of the centuries-old bells, which caught him completely unaware.

Ah, a foreshadowing of the Parousia!

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