Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Name is Mommy

The toddler has taken a recent interest in full names.

During the latest recital of the first-middle-last name litany, i became Mommy Lynn Schmiesing.

My instincts drove me to correct this innocent mistake so as to ensure that he'd make it back to me should he ever get lost in WalMart. But then wonderment at childrens' childlike understanding of what a person is took over and kept me from speaking up.

Mommy Lynn Schmiesing - that is what i am to him. That's who i am to him.
And that is my name.
I am honored, and i am blessed.

1 comment:

mama said...


Besides, he has his name down, now just work on your address. =}

I shall never forget being "Aunt Mama Lis"