Saturday, March 29, 2008

If she hadnt said it first

Slow going here in cyberspace. But i have a totally legit excuse:

Lately, i've been so absolutely in love with my family that i just cant find the words. And i'm not going to fib by saying i'm even trying to make the time. I just can't bear to deprive myself of their sweet faces and bursting-with-baby-joy hearts for even as short a time as it takes to whip up a short anecdote.

And instead of being blog-guilted into posting something unworthy, i take consolation in the words of St. Therese of Lisieux, who proposed,

"How can the human tongue hope to express what the human heart can hardly understand?"


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's deep- St. Theresa and your knowledge of her. How come I never felt that way about Joe? Mom S.

E said...

most likely it's because you werent given the sacramental grace of matrimony to love him and honor him all the days of your life... ;)