Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What to do with all that zucchini?

I get tired of making zucchini bread.

Dont get me wrong - I'm a huge fan of the warm confection with a nice cup of coffee on even the hottest of July days, but the artist in me feels somewhat dwarfed when I'm limited to making only ONE recipe with any given veggie. (Like lettuce, for instance. What else can you do with it besides eat it as a salad? You can't even preserve the stuff, so you're left with multiple heads that go to the chickens.... What a waste.)

Last summer, i started looking for other zucchini recipes so i could make good use of those long, green squashes that my husband spends so much time cultivating. What we had for supper last night is one of my favorite zucchini "alternative" recipes. Filling, flavorful, an all-in-one entree, and loved even by Rosemarie. Here's the recipe, if you're looking for satisfying options:

Stuffed Zucchini

Place 4-5 medium size zucchini in a bath of boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

Remove from bath and place in baking dish. Lengthwise, slice off upper 1/3 of zucchini and scoop out pulp (so it looks like a boat). Do what you will with pulp, or reserve some to mix with the stuffing.

Fill up the zucchini boats with some of the following mixture (which i altered from the original recipe, as you may also do based on personal taste):

-1/2 lb. cooked ground beef and 1/2 lb. cooked ground sausage
-2 eggs
-diced onion
-some zucchini pulp (no seeds if possible)
-salt, pepper, sage, parsley
-bread crumbs or crumbled saltine crackers
-shredded cheddar cheese and parmesan cheese (we like lots!)

Bake in 350F oven for 25-30 minutes.
Serve with homemade bread and jam.



Justine said...

Sounds delicious. I'm going to try this as soon as we're back from NY. Tonight, I'm mixing zucchini in with our baked ziti. We've also had it in chili, and simply sauteed, of course. But the kids have drawn the line at using it as breakfast cereal topping.

Anne said...

The other days at Mom and Dad's, we had three forms of zucchini in one meal, and we actually thought of many more zucchini dishes we could have added to the meal. Talk to Dad - he is getting very creative with his zucchini these days, and I think the recipes are actually pretty good.

JRH said...

Lettuce - use it in place of bread since you're trying to cut bread out out anyway... take a big leaf and put your cheese, meat, mustard, whatever and wrap it up! It's super delicious! Use 2 leaves for more crunch and less mess!