Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To be equated with a Disney Princess

"Snow White was so lovely that her vain and jealous stepmother, the Queen, feared the girl's beauty would someday outshine her own. So she dressed Snow White in rags and forced her to work as a scullery maid."

I've come to expect that i can't get through one page of a story without receiving at least two vocabulary questions. Which is great. And an avenue for the most glorious and unanticipated compliments. Behold:

T: "Mommy. What's a scullery maid?"

Me: Not precisely sure, and deducing a definintion from the illustration on the page, i replied, "Oh, it's just someone who scrubs the floors and cleans the bathrooms and does all the yuckiest jobs in the house."

T: (With the brightest eyes and a smile of pride)"Hey, that's like youuuuuuuuuu!!!!"

My heart melted when i noticed how he was delighted to realize that Snow White and I are kind of like the same person. I think i might kiss him for this one for, like, 3 weeks straight. Maybe longer. Yes, quite possibly longer.


Anne said...

That's cute!

Anonymous said...

What a gift it is for Thomas & Rosemarie to have you there for them & what a gift it is for you to have the experience of all these unexpected moments for you to treasure in your heart.Mom S.