Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Decadent Recommendations

A few nice things i've had the pleasure of enjoying in the past few days:

1.) Hershey's Chocolate Caramel coffee creamer by International Delights
Guarunteed to make even Aldi brew taste cuisine.

2.) Graeter's Buckeye Blitz icecream
Over-priced double dip in a cup. Indulgence justified only if you are on an eight hour mom's day out in Dayton and are the sole party responsible for your nursing infant and napless toddler.

3.) The Spot's Strawberry Pie
Nothing like a hometown pastry, especially if someone else purchased this ruby red delight for you to consume. (Thanks, Mama!)

4.) Waterbabies SPF 45 Sunblock
An unforseen result here, folks. I applied it to Thomas, and before it was completely aborbed into his skin, i rescued his burning baby feet from the scalding hot deck, and in the process transfered some of said sunscreen onto random parts of my otherwise screenless body. Splotchy arms and a toddler handprint on my thigh. I'll be sure to apply it to myself next time i'm not after an even tan.

5.) A husband that voluntarily emptied the dishwasher AND reloaded.
Yea, he's pretty much the greatest.


Anonymous said...

Oh, goodness. The Spot pie. I miss Piqua/Sidney so much.


Justine said...

Now wait a minute, don't knock Aldi German roasted coffee (in the brick). We rate it better than Starbucks in dieses Haus. Well, we factor in the price, you know, but it really is good.

Justine said...

Oh, and I am fastidious about not getting that sunscreen on myself after I spent a summer with weird splotches on my arms after slathering the kids. Probably they'll be the only places I DON'T get skin cancer someday.