Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss

A headline of the National Catholic Register read the following:
HUGO’S EGO: Chavez Steps Up His Attacks on Venezuela’s Catholics

The resident toddler saw me reading this periodical, saw the bust photo of ol’ Hugo, pointed, and said, “Look, Mommy! A priest!”

Not so, my son. Not so.

The very next headline of the same edition featured a picture of polygamist Tom Green and his six wives, to which my little guy assigned this narration:

“Hey, it’s a man. And that’s his mommy, and that’s his mommy, and that’s his mommy, and that’s his mommy, and that’s his mommy, and THAT’S his mommy.”



Anonymous said...

THat is too cute! What opportunities abound to catechize. What a gift to be a mother at home to be able to do just that at the right time and in the right way. With my prayers- Mom.

Anonymous said...

"Oy" is right!

JRH said...

How come your life is helarious?

Anonymous said...

My lame trivia:

1. "Oy!" is a digraph used in AC/DC's hit song, "TNT." The interjection is British slang to get someone's attention. Though the accepted spelling is "Oi," and AC/DC is a British band, curiously most versions of TNT's lyrics use the "Oy" spelling.

2. "Oy" is also the name of a billybumbler befriended by the protagonists of Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series. A billybumbler is a small fictional animal, something of a mix between a fox, coyote, and dog.

3. "Oy" briefly became the battle cry of my platoon at TBS.

Hugs and Kisses,
