Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Why Morning Shows are Worthless at Best

“Oh, yes! We are definitely waiting to have children until we’re financially secure,” said the confident fiancé to the middle-aged Morning Show hostess.

What does that mean? "Financially secure?" A more subjective standard doesn’t exist, I’m sure! At what point in history did it become a virtue for a young couple to proclaim that all-too-common mantra of twenty-something newly weds? And since when did it become necessary for society to make young lovers feel guilty for wanting to, without hesitation, invest in one of the greatest gifts God could ever give to spouses?

I am one who believes that children are one of the greatest riches a family could ever possess. A person. Can’t hardly put a dollar value on that! And the way I figure, if a couple can afford a wedding, they can ‘afford’ a bambino immediately thereafter.

Why purposefully deny yourself, or your spouse, or your other children that which has worth beyond measure? Why pretend it’s responsible "to save up for” that which God alone gives freely to even the most impoverished of peoples?

Perhaps the difference between this infectious Western mentality and the thinking of the poor is the degree to which each trusts in God’s Providence? I’ve heard it said that the faith of the monetarily impoverished is more easily steadfast than the faith of the wealthy… and there’s some truth to that. Being poor in spirit (financial status aside) has the same effect.

Someone once said that we cannot serve both God and mammon…. so let’s listen to that wisdom and try to straighten out our concerns. And tell those Morning Show hosts to back-off, while we’re at it.


Anonymous said...

I should keep this little rant in my pocket so that I can pull it out when people raise their eyebrows at me...

Nicole Bradica said...

You watch morning TV?

Anonymous said...

I'd never waste my time that way... but i occassionally put on a Baby Einstein video for T (buying myself 25mins of uninterupted chore time), and have to turn it over from antenna to Video 2, whcih occassions encounters with useless media.


Anonymous said...

THe only time I watch TV is "involuntarily" like when I'm in a waiting room at the hospital with Great grandma R. It has been so bad that all I can do is pray for mercy! If no one else is in the room, I have turned off the TV. Even when it's not morally objectionable, the talk shows are so inane, that it hurts my brain! The most annoying was when I took Mom to the dentist where they now have a TV screen hanging over the dental chair! The hygienist kept looking at it while working on Mom's teeth! I kept trying to get her to focus on Mom by asking her questions about Mom's teeth, etc. I should have asked them to turn it off which I would certainly do if I ever were to be the patient in the dental chair! However, I would not become a patient there unless I had no other options! Mom S.

mama said...

I was right there with you Rachel. I was the mom who received the comments from the "older" moms that said no one should ever have children until they are at least 24. While watching our children in K and 1st grade play at the park and many of them interacting with my two youngest children. I was only 25...my reply was that my husband and I wanted to have our children early and whenever we were blessed with them. I think our children were just fine with their younger parents.